

nginx unit-1.21.0 released.


nginx unitの新バージョン 1.21.0がリリースされました。


Changes with Unit 1.21.0                                         19 Nov 2020

*) Change: procfs is mounted by default for all languages when "rootfs" isolation is used.
*) Change: any characters valid according to RFC 7230 are now allowed in HTTP header field names.
*) Change: HTTP header fields with underscores ("_") are now discarded from requests by default.
*) Feature: optional multithreaded request processing for Java, Python, Perl, and Ruby apps.
*) Feature: regular expressions in route matching patterns.
*) Feature: compatibility with Python 3.9.
*) Feature: the Python module now supports ASGI 2.0 legacy applications.
*) Feature: the "protocol" option in Python applications aids choice between ASGI and WSGI.
*) Feature: the fastcgi_finish_request() PHP function that finalizes request processing and continues code execution without holding onto the client connection.
*) Feature: the "discard_unsafe_fields" HTTP option that enables discarding request header fields with irregular (but still valid) characters in the field name.
*) Feature: the "procfs" and "tmpfs" automount isolation options to disable automatic mounting of eponymous filesystems.
*) Bugfix: the router process could crash when running Go applications under high load; the bug had appeared in 1.19.0.
*) Bugfix: some language dependencies could remain mounted after using "rootfs" isolation.
*) Bugfix: various compatibility issues in Java applications.
*) Bugfix: the Java module built with the musl C library couldn't run applications that use "rootfs" isolation.


Changes with Unit 1.21.0                                         19 Nov 2020

*)変更:"rootfs" isolationを使用すると、すべての言語でデフォルトでprocfsがマウントされるようになった。
*)バグ修正:"rootfs" isolationを使用した後、一部の言語依存性がマウントされたままになる可能性があった。
*)バグ修正:musl Cライブラリで構築されたJavaモジュールは、"rootfs" isolationを使用するアプリケーションを実行できなかった。


Opensourcetech by Takahiro Kujirai